Tuesday, 25 October 2011

An arty periodic table

Another video from our recent trip to Australia.

Here we're in Bendigo and checking out a periodic table of artwork.

The Royal Australian Chemical Institute commissioned artists to depict each element, and this was the result.

It was a happy coincidence that the exhibit was in Bendigo when we were Down Under.

This is interesting because Bendigo is named after an old-time prize fighter from Nottingham (in a strange and indirect way)

And of course periodicvideos is based in Nottingham!

I told the story of this many years ago, in my BBC days.

1 comment:

  1. مؤسسة تطهير كنب بنجران تعتبر عملية تنظف الموكيت من الموضوعات العسيرة والتي يصعب على ربة البيت القيام بها وخصوصا أن الموكيت والسجاد من الأشياء التي يتجمع في داخلها الأتربة الناعمة التي يكون من العسير القضاء عليها ببساطة.
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