Saturday 31 May 2014

Special Roll

From a viewer named Patti...

My class has been studying probability and yesterday we calculated the probability of rolling a Yahtzee on the first roll.  
So, today, we watched your video.  
The students were intrigued and waited for that Yahtzee with close attention.  After the video, I told them, like you said, in the game Yahtzee, you get three tries.  
So I rolled five dice...and got a Yahtzee!  
The class and I were stunned.  Utter silence and disbelieve.  
The look of "did that really happen"  on 30 7th grade faces.  
Thank you for showing the students your perseverence of waiting through 600 some trials.  
And thank you for making my roll look so special!!

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Net Neutrality

It's a big deal in the US (and the world) at the moment!

Two recent videos from CGP Grey and Vi Hart are well worth watching (and maybe acting upon?)

This video by Emily from BlinkPopShift from a while ago was also good.


Oh, I missed this excellent video on the topic by Hank Green.


And now here is Mike Rugnetta from PBS Ideas Channel

And the excellent John Oliver piece...

About 100 people sent me the John Oliver piece after we discussed Net Neutrality of EPISODE 12 OF HELLO INTERNET


Friday 2 May 2014

Hello Internet Podcast

Not been very active on the blog just lately.

Guess that's because I've been busier than usual.

Plenty of new videos have been coming out - will list some of the better ones below.

Some of you may also know I've started working on a new podcast with CGP Grey called Hello Internet.

I've known Grey for a few years now.  He has even cameoed in a few of our videos, most memorably this one.

The podcast has been great fun so far (we've recorded 11 at the time of posting).

The best way to follow the podcast is via things like iTunes and RSS, etc… More details are at the Hello Internet website.

We really discuss everything - but I guess a major theme is life as YouTube film-makers.

Other important topics have included education, freebooting and plane crashes!

Our latest move has been putting the podcasts on a Hello Internet YouTube channel.

These are obviously a bit behind the general release of the audio podcasts, but another way to digest the show!

Anyway, back to may "day job".

Here are just some of the videos to come out in recent weeks.