Tuesday 8 April 2014

Favourite Numbers - 7 wins again

A poll by author Alex Bellos has found, unsurprisingly, that seven is the world's favourite number!

He's released the results to coincide with his new book - Alex Through the Looking-Glass.

Numberphile had its own, less formal poll a while back.

It started with this video:

And then we harvested the stats to make this one:

Seven won that poll also.

Here are some previous appearances by Alex on Numberphile…

And his first book is Here's Looking at Euclid (aka Alex's Adventures in Numberland).

Friday 4 April 2014

Alan's Album

Regular viewers will be familiar with the music of Alan Stewart.

Alan is a physics teacher who composes and performs music in his spare time.

I love his work and we've collaborated together on MANY videos, some of which are listed below.

Well, Alan was too humble to tell me, but he has pulled together many of his best tracks into an album on iTunes.

Here is the link.

I think it's great value.

Despite having many of them on my computer already (for obvious reasons), I downloaded the album myself last night and have been listening non-stop.

Gorgeous background music.

I especially recommend the tracks "Time Passes" and "Wait" - but maybe that is because they appear on some of my favourite videos.

(As a bonus, Alan included his Good Will Hunting inspired track, which is often requested!)

Dominoes as a Computer

Two Numberphile videos and Matt's own…