Thursday, 29 March 2012

Inside the CMS - Double Bill

I'm only part way through editing and uploading a bunch of videos we filmed at CERN, in Geneva.

However two of the main films from the CMS Experiment have now been released (above is a pic of us on the way in).

CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) is one of the two more famous detectors on the Large Hadron Collider.

The other one, at the opposite side of the ring, is called ATLAS.

We visited both.

(No disrespect to ALICE and LHCb experiments - I hope they'll invite us back one day!)

Here's the recently uploaded video about CMS, including the first time Professor Ed Copeland laid eyes on the huge machine.

And here, as a DVD extra, is an uncut video from when I gave my camera to a member of CMS staff who was able to enter parts of the machine which were restricted for visitors like us!!!


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