Thursday 5 December 2013

Ultimate SLOW MO

So "Movember" is over and that means shedding my moustache.

I grew the mo to raise money (and awareness) for men's health - especially the too-rarely-discussed problems of prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental illness.

So here's a final throw of the dice.

We've filmed the mo removal in glorious SLOW MO (get it!?)

We captured a few other things in slow mo too, including some great shots of soap bubbles.

I will share one of the videos after every additional £50 raised from this point onwards.

You can donate via my Movember page.

These are legitimate fundraising pages - the money does not pass through me. 

Here's the first video, made live because of your KIND DONATIONS

THIS WILL BE THE SECOND ONE IF WE CAN RAISE ANOTHER £50! (it's of a bubble bursting!)