Thursday, 2 August 2012

A video with fellow science YouTubers

I've blogged previously about my trip to Canada and the US, meeting with fellow YouTubers.

Today I published some videos created during the trip.

The main one, on Sixty Symbols, features five of them talking about their own logos and symbols.

In addition, there is extended interview footage with Destin and Derek.

Destin's typically honest interview contains some of his views about religion, which resulted in some rather intolerant, knee-jerk discussion on YouTube - what a shock!

Direct link to Destin's faith discussion.

PS: I also spent some time in the US with the Green brothers (from SciShow and Crash Course) and Michael Stevens from Vsauce, but never really had time to conduct interviews with them... They were pretty busy at VidCon.

Hopefully next time!?


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