Today I've posted a bunch of films and pictures about an astronomy trip to Hawaii.
Boris Häußler did the hard work by taking a small video camera along to the UKIRT telescope, perched on the famous volcano Mauna Kea.
Here's the main video we made for Sixty Symbols.
A selection of Boris's photos can be found on our Flickr page at this link.
And if you just can't get enough, here's some extra interview footage and video of the summit drive, which we popped on our "behind the scenes" project, Test Tube.
The idea was to show what these observing trips are really like.... I hope it came across.
Next time I'd like to go along myself to film it... but I think Boris did a better job with the camera than I would have with the telescope!
Tunduh wae.. terlalu loba teuing nundutan dapat menyebabkan salah ngetik, typo berbahaya, artikel amuradul..
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